Greenfield Schools in conjuntion with the Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program promotes healthy alternatives for children and parents in their travel to and from school. It educates students, parents and community members on the value of walking and bicycling for travel to and from school.
Bike Rules and Safety
Curious about biking rules and guidelines in Massachusetts? Click here to read the state laws regarding bike rules and safety >>
Published on Apr 23, 2014 "Shifting Gears: Bicyclists & Public Safety" presents best practices for Massachusetts law enforcement officers on the most important bicyclist safety issues. The video training covers Massachusetts laws that apply to bicyclists and to motorists interacting with bicyclists, and demonstrates many common scenarios. The training does not cover every law applicable to bicyclists - it focuses on laws and behaviors with the most potential to impact public safety. The information in the video is based on Massachusetts law, and may not be consistent with the laws of other states. A DVD version of the video will be available shortly, along with an information card listing all applicable Massachusetts laws and fines. A one-hour, on-site workshop is also available. For more information and additional resources, visit MassBike.org or call us at 617-542-2453. This video was produced by the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition, in partnership with the Boston Police Academy, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Community Transformation Grant Program and Mass in Motion, an initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. |